Nov 062012

Tony Amaral’s debut Solo Exhibition in Sydney. Halai Hodi Konta run to tell the story

Come and see this recent work of Tony’s, all the work is for sale. Rich in colour and content this work tells the story of his country and his people through his paintings.  The opening is November 15th 6-9pm do come along if you can. The exhibition runs until the 9th December Thursdays – Sundays and is worth the visit.



Oct 042012

The publication in Tetun and English of the book Lian Husi Klamar: Musika Tradisional Husi Timor-Leste (Sounds of the Soul: The Traditional Music of East Timor) was a culmination of ten years research which became known as “The Music Recovery Project : Tekee Tokee Tomak”. The book Lian Husi Klamar, or Sounds of the Soul was made possible through a rich collaboration of musical and visual artists from East Timor, and supported by a grant from the United States Ambassadors’ fund For Cultural Preservation.

Author and musician Ros Dunlop made her first trip to Timor-Leste in April 2002 with Timor activist brothers Robert and Martin Wesley-Smith. Ros and Martin gave concerts of Martin’s audiovisual pieces about East Timor. They were enchanted by Timor-Leste’s land, people and culture – especially it’s traditional music. Wanting to give something in return, Ros began visiting Timor-Leste regularly to record this special music. To do this, she needed the help of many Timorese citizens. The skilled musicians who were acutely aware of the importance of recording their music for posterity and the translators and assistants who helped to organise the recording sessions. These artists from Arte Moris Art School and the young Timorese from the audiovisual archive, Centro Archivo Max Stahl Timor-Leste understood the importance of a permanent record being made. Without their help this project would not have happened.

To order multiple copies contact

Aug 202012

My ensemble Charisma presents an intimate concert heralding the spring!  Featuring music by  Australian composer Katia Beaugeais – The Last Flight of Saint-Ex (based on the last flight of the french writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry shot down in the second world war in 1944), and Australian composer Robert Davidson – Squaring the Circle for clarinet trio. The Fantasy Trio based on an American Hymn Tune (Shall we gather at the river) by composer Kenneth Leighton and the beautiful late romantic trio for clarinet, cello and piano by Robert Kahn. Join the musicians at the conclusion of the concert for afternoon tea and drinks and convivial company which is all part of the ticket price. Tickets $30, $20, $10.

Venue is the beautiful historic Chapter House part of the St Mary’s Cathedral complex, which creates an intimate setting. There is easy access to parking nearby at the Domain and Cook & Phillip pool carpark and public transport via trains to St James Station and buses to College and Elizabeth Sts. We would love to see you there!